Nikolas Soren Goodich

New Work 2019 - 2021

Double Inverted Portraits were started in 2019 after I graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Art with a BFA in Painting and Printmaking. My deep immersion in contemporary art practices at VCU led me to focus on a very strict set of formal modes.

For two decades I have experimented with the layering of plexiglass in multiple formal permutations. In this body of work I use plastic bottles, with cone tops, as my main drawing/painting tool and work, mostly, in diptych and polyptych formats.

I make multiple layers of mark and color on the plexiglass surfaces by mono-printing from one plexi panel to another. These are then sandwiched together to become layered monoprint-paintings. Then I assemble them onto either canvas or wood panels as a support.

In Double Inverted Portraits I examine the idea of portraiture as pure symbol with these person-as-symbol images interacting with both mirror images of self and with imagined others.

The fact of our bodies biological, neurological, and physiological symmetries, asymmetries, echoes, reflections, and mirroring, all play roles in how it is that these ideas and their visual languages work together or contradict one another as metaphor.

The interpenetration of layers of abstract, patterned, and figurative information appears in simultaneity - a study of paradoxes. Form reflecting content, literally and metaphorically.

These are faces; portraits of you, me, no one, everyone. They ask us to look directly at ourselves, at how we see and think of others, at how we want others to see and think of us.

Nikolas Soren Goodich — 02/17/2021

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